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Social Security Number (SSN) Letter Request

A Social Security number (SSN) is a unique identifier issued by the Social Security Administration. Social Security numbers generally are assigned to those authorized to work in the United States and are used to report wages to the government and to determine eligibility for Social Security benefits. In order to be qualified to apply for a social security number, you must currently be employed or have a recent offer of employment.

If you are employed or have an employment offer, please note that you are then required to apply for a social security number.

Students who are employed on-campus will only need to submit an employment letter from your hiring department. Students who are employed off-campus will first need to obtain CPT authorization before applying for SSN, thus, will need to submit both the employment letter and the I-20 with CPT authorization.

Click here for SSN Policy and Sample Employment Letter for On-Campus Job.

Once you receive your social security card in the mail, please present it to your employer’s human resources office so that they may make a copy for their records. For students who will work on-campus, don't forget to bring your Social Security card to the Trinity Human Resources Office after you have received it in the mail.